Thursday, October 7, 2010

Beware of strange job offers

Yesterday, I got a phone call from Bankers Life and Casualty Company saying that they had found my resume online and felt that I would be a good match for their company.  They asked me to come for a career briefing next week on Tuesday in LaCrosse, WI.  I was told to bring a clean copy of my resume and to dress in business attire. 

Since I didn't know much about this company, I decided to google it for more information... what I found was several websites that talked about their recruitment techniques... and most of them were very unfavorable comments.  So I went to the actual company website and found out that their job openings are in sales...  Me in Sales???  So I went back to the other websites and found that most people were very unhappy the way this company recruits people who are unemployed.  It seems that most recruits that actually accept the offer are people very desperate to have employment...  but most don't stay with the company more than 2-4 months.  The company wants you to sell and market to the elderly...  several comments said that they were required to get their insurance license at their own expense...  and that they put in 50-60 hours a week. 

For me, the thought of targeting the elderly was too much.  I got an email from the company confirming my attendance.  So I sent them a note back telling them:  "I would like to thank you for your call about employment opportunities at your company.  After reviewing your website and the career opportunities listed, I do not feel that I would be a good match for your company. "

Well, there goes that one!  I hope I did the right thing.... 

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